Info: Pixeleye Industries filmed and edited the Teaser for the Imaginations Song Contest and designed the logo for it

Choose your favorite from the following songs and create your own musical interpretation of it. Submit your version of the song via sending us your video until October 16th!

The band will then check out all submissions and elect their favorite interpretations in several elimination rounds. The favorite videos will be presented on the band’s own Youtube channel! The winner will get the chance to do an Online Q+A Chat with the band and his video will also be featured on the band’s socials!

Choose one of the following songs for your interpretation:

  • Born In A Mourning Hall

  • Bright Eyes

  • Another Holy War

You don’t need to create professional music video but can rather be creative and just do your own thing when creating your versions of the songs and be creative!

Please make sure your submission video file is filmed in landscape 16:9 format and exported as .mp4 to ensure a proper presentation afterwards. Please name your files as followed “Your Name_Songname.mp4“ (you can also upload your Video to Youtube or send it via a file transfer site) and send it to:

Have fun!